DIY* Theology!

Readings In Theology For Self-study

By Theologue

Although I have have taken a number of Bible College and Seminary courses most of my knowledge has come from reading and studying many of the 'classics' on the Bible and Biblical Theology. Over the years I have collected many excellent books and have been able to post a number of these on this website. A plan of reading and study based to the materials listed below would be sufficient to make one knowledgeable enough to teach the Bible and Biblical Theology with confidence.

As a start I would recommend the first 3 books listed. The Summary Of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof is an excellent place to start for self-study of Reformed Theology. At the end of each chapter are review questions, suggestions for further study, and even recommended verses to memorize. Dr. Machen's Bible History: A Survey Of The Old And New Testaments also has self study questions at the end of each chapter.

To study I print text out on blank 3-hole punched paper so it can be easily be read and marked up. Then I either put the materials in a 3 ring binder or a file folder for easy access in the future. If you do this you should end up with quite a collection of theological reference materials!.

I. Books
The Scriptures Are The Word Of God, Charles Hodge NEW!
Summary Of Christian Doctrine, Louis Berkhof
New Testament Introduction, Louis Berkhof
Bible History: A Survey Of The Old And New Testaments, J. Gresham Machen
Life Of Christ, James Stalker
Life Of Paul James Stalker
The Death Of Christ by James Denney
The New Testament Documents, F. F. Bruce
The Atonement, Loraine Boettner
The Trinity, Loraine Boettner
The Inspiration Of Scripture, Loraine Boettner
A Commentary On The Westminster Confession Of Faith, A.A. Hodge
The Christian Faith In The Modern World, J. Gresham Machen
For more books see our online books page

II. Articles and Essays
Hermeneutics, Darryl Erkel NEW!
Jesus Of Nazarerth, James A. Broadus
A Brief Introduction to Christianity, Douglas Jones
Dating The NT Documents (Arguments For Early Dating - Prior To 70 AD), Theologue
The Bible Without Comment, William Cox
Events In The Life Of Christ (Gospels Harmony)
Introduction To Biblical Hermeneutics
A Short Guide to Biblical Interpretation, Andrew Kulikovsky
Inspiration, Authority, and Interpretation, Andrew Kulikovsky
Interpretation Of Scripture, by Leland M. Haines
The Historical Basis Of The Christian Faith, James Denney
Doctrine Of The Atonement, J. Gresham Machen
The Doctrines Of Grace, Grover Gunn
The New Birth, Brian Schwertly
The Atonement Of Jesus Christ, Brian Schwertley
God's Law For Modern Man, Brian Schwertley
Doctrines Of The Christian Faith
Justification, H. C. G. Moule
The Canon Of The NT, Henry C. Thiessen
The Death Of Christ, (Sacrifice, Propitiation, Reconciliation, and Redemption), John Murray
The Covenant Of Grace, John Murray
The Atonement, John Murray
Sovereignty Of God, John Murray
Evidence For The Resurrection, J.N.D. Anderson
The Purpose Of The Incarnation, G. Campbell Morgan
The Deity Of Christ, R. A. Torrey
The Testimony Of The Evangelists, Simon Greenleaf
The Two Testaments - Two Covenants, F. F. Bruce
The Two Covenants - The Major Divisions Of The Bible, Leland Hains
The Coming Of The Son Of Man, E. J. Poole-Conner
The Holy Spirit, Edwin Palmer
For more articles and essays see our Theology page

III. Additional Reading*

1. The following two books could serve as an excellent introduction to the Bible and Bible study methods.

How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart
How to Read the Bible Book By Book, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart

2. Our on-line materials are heavily geared to the NT, it is recommended that several books on the OT be included in any study. The following books are highly recommended.

Old Testament Times, R. K. Harrison
Old Testament Introduction, R. K. Harrison
A Survey Of Old Testament Introduction, Gleason Archer
Theology Of The Older Testament, J. Barton Payne

3. It would be good to read some or all of the following books to broaden one's knowledge of the Bible and Theology:
Basic Christianity, John R. W. Stott
Knowing Scripture, R. C. Sproul
Knowing God, J.I. Packer
New Testament History, F. F. Bruce
New Testament Times, Merrill C. Tenney
The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel
The Case for Faith, Lee Strobel
The Cross Of Christ, John R. W. Stott
Jesus: Lord And Saviour, F. F. Bruce
The Blessed Hope, George Eldon Ladd
God In The Dock, C. S. Lewis
Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis
The God Who is There, Francis Shaeffer

4. For more suggestions see our Recommended Books page

* DIY = Do It Yourself!

1. Some of the books listed may be hard to find.
Try our Book Search page. Bargains can sometimes be found on and
2. We will have all the books in pdf format eventually to make it easier for you to download and study.